The One World charged particLe accElerator (OWLE) Colloquium & Seminar Series

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Upcoming Talks

To be announced

Artwork by Chantal J. Adelmann


Given the impossibility of travel during the COVID-19 crisis, the OWLE seminar series was established as an inter-institutional global online colloquium and seminar(s).

The OWLE-Colloquium is aimed at giving researchers a platform to share research and development results of very broad interests.

The OWLE-ML seminar series has a topical focus on machine learning and experimental demonstration of AI-ML in particle accelerators.


The OWLE-Colloquium talks are once a month on the first Tuesday at 13:30 EST (19:30 CET, 10:30 PST).

The OWLE-ML seminars are held every second and last Tuesday at 13:30 EST (19:30 CET, 10:30 PST).


Andreas Adelmann (PSI), Kevin Brown (BNL & SBU), Auralee Edelen (SLAC), Annika Eichler (DESY), Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell & BNL), Verena Kain (CERN), Kevin Li (CERN), Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL), Andrea Santamaria Garcia (KIT) & Daniel Winklehner (MIT)

Please contact one of the organizers if you would like to give a 45-minute colloquium or seminar

In case the speaker has no objection, the talk will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube.